304 SW Washington St. Portland, OR  97204   503-227-4653   Hours: Mon-Fri 8-3 Sat 9-2
Hours: Mon-Fri 8-3, Sat 9-2

To place an order call us at 1-800-690-4995 We have NO sales tax in Oregon.


All out of state checks must be post marked within 24 hours of ordering.

Welcome to our website. Please take a moment and read our policy page below before calling to place an order. Before you begin, if your word is no good, STOP READING NOW and please shop elsewhere. We never call you to solicit business, so since you are calling us. YOUR WORD NEEDS TO BE GOOD---no stories, no excuses...period.

1. To place a buy or sell order call us toll free at 1-800-690-4995. Tell us how many and the type of coins you are interested in buying or selling. We need your name, address and phone number and your check number to complete your order. Prices are locked in & confirmed once you have received a confirmation number. It is VERY IMPORTANT to put the confirmation number on the memo line of your check and also on the outside of the envelope below your return name & address. Failure to do so, can cause your order to be delayed by 26 days....which means your order could take up to 40 days. We reserve the right to have first time buyers wire transfer or overnight funds. All calls will be recorded for quality and legal purposes.

2. Once you place an order and receive a confirmation number you have entered into a legally binding contract. You are required to mail/postmark your check within 24 hours. There are no changes or cancellations once a confirmation number has been issued. We reserve the right to have all checks sent certified mail. We also reserve the right to request a wire transfer placed the same day as your order. We record all calls for the purpose of playing to a small claims or civil court judge if payment is not sent as agreed upon.

3. We accept payment in the form of personal checks, cashier checks & Money orders. We accept wire transfers for orders over $15,000.00. We do not accept credit or debit cards, checks by phone or fax or any other form of payment. First time customers will need to provide their check number at the time the order is placed.

4. Please make note of which shop you are ordering from and make your check payable to that shop. Shop addresses are all at the top of this page. If you have any questions, please call the shop where you placed your order and we will make sure you have the correct mailing information. Please do not write anything in the endorsement section on the back of your check.

5. Status checking ----Orders may take up to 26 business days so please no status checking until after the 15th business day. Most orders ship the same week your payment arrives (Holiday weekends, and storms are normally the only causes of delay). Status check by Email ONLY. Please include your confirmation number. REMEMBER NO STATUS CHECKING ON THE TELEPHONE

Status check email addresses:

Downtown: sales@ajpm.com

East: ajpmeast@gmail.com

Beaverton: sales@ajpmbroadway.com

6. Selling to us? Orders must be postmarked within 24 hours. Once given a confirmation number please call back with the registered tracking number of your package.

7. If you fail to fill out your check properly by entering the wrong dollar amount or omitting your signature, we reserve the right to cancel your order or request a new check sent next day at our discretion.

8. Attorneys Fees. In any Lawsuit brought to enforce the lease or under applicable law, the party in whose favor a judgment or decree has been rendered may recover reasonable court costs, including attorneys' fees, from the non prevailing party.

9. Postage & Shipping fees via United States Postal Service registered mail with insurance:

Gold & Platinum:

1-9oz $25

10 or more-- Free!


1-100oz $30

101-200 $35

201-999 $50

1,000+ Free!

Other important info:

We have no minimum order other than one coin.

Our sell price is what you may purchase coins for.

Our buy price is what we pay you for your coins.

There is no sales Tax.

Payments must be postmarked within 24 hours of confirmation.

Please remember, we never solicit.

Thank-you for taking the time to read this page, we appreciate your business.